Discover The Peer Group

Theory, exchange and practical application all in one. Courses, webinars, workshops, conferences ... these each have their place and are incredibly helpful, but sometimes it's not enough to get you where you want to be. Achieving goals and overcoming challenges requires being able to deal with emotions, relationships, change, complexity ...and these are much harder to navigate because often a change in your own behaviour is required.

“Unless there is consistent support and practice, with feedback and evaluation, too often what is read, experienced and taught has only a moment's life span.”

- By Jill Berkowicz and Ann Myers on January 14, 2018, Education Wee

Make more progress by actively reflecting on real situations you're facing. Get clear on what you value, test assumptions and understand the impact you have on those around you. People often think this relates only to personal development, but in reality these are areas you need to work on in order to enhance your professional life too.
Work on what matters most with our certified executive coaches. At Virtual Peer we focus on group coaching. Your group coach is skilled in creating a safe space for you and your peers to deepen self-awareness, identify actions you can put into practice, test each other's thinking and uncover a fresh perspective to a shared challenge so you can keep learning and adapt to situations you are faced with.

Accelerate your learning with continuous peer to peer exchange. When you join a Virtual Peer group you work alongside other people who share similar aspirations and challenges. Find inspiration from people who 'get what you're going through' and who will support you to be your best self. With your peers and coach as your personal sounding board, you can be confident in knowing they are there for you. No hidden agendas, no conflicts of interest.

Zero risk



We are committed to proving that our peer groups work for you. If at any time you feel it isn't for you, email us with your feedback and we'll either credit your payment towards another peer group of your choice or provide a full refund.

See what people are already saying

We're at the beginning of our journey and proud to share some of the comments of our first customers...

Melita, USA

I love the intimate and transparent conversations we’re able to have in our Virtual Peer group." We get to share how we have been impacted whether it's negative or positive in a safe space.

May does a tremendous job bringing the anchor of calmness and peace through her facilitation. Virtual Peer offers more than professional networking. To me it's about authentic connection through the art of genuine conversations."

Francisco, Brazil

"I stumbled upon Virtual Peer and I really liked the premise and what it could offer - and I was not disappointed.

I really loved it because I think working remotely ... it's good to have a community where you can meet people that face challenges like you on an everyday basis and you have a good place to be able to share that."

Jane, UK

"With Virtual Peer we meet to support one another with our business challenges. It's been great to learn from the feedback I’ve received on the issues I presented as well as being able to help others with theirs.

May, the host of Virtual Peer, is very experienced in spotting ways to develop people and the exercise we did recently made such a big difference to the way I deliver content and value to members of my own community. Thank you May!”

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